DrawTerrain is a tool designed to help designing terrains of all sizes by drawing curves that will displace a plane

<aside> 💡 As for all my tools, they are in the mindset to be usable in most workflow and pipeline



To install DrawTerrain I suggest to add the QP_DrawTerrain folder to an Asset Library.

It will allow the DrawTerrain modifier to be found in the modifier menu

Library installation.jpg

Or you can drag and drop it from the Asset Library



How to use?

Set up the modifier

To set up DrawTerrain, you just need to assign the modifier to a plane and pick a curve to displace the terrain. I suggest to apply the scale of your plane before to get consistent spread and effects, especially if you have several planes affected by the same curve.

If you have a simple plane without any subdivision, I suggest to start with a Base Subdivision of 3. This will give the tool enough geometry to start subdividing further.

If you pre-subdivided your plane (for vertex painting or sculpting for example), you can leave the Base Subdivision to 0 or 1 depending on what you need.


Delete Unused Geometry

There is an option to Delete unused geometry that is not affected by the displacement, it’s very useful for creating assets to place in your scene without having to deal with the remaining space of the plane.

You can expand the zone to be cut if you need a bit more of a transition.

DrawTerrain_delete geo.mp4